Safe collection and disposal of syringes

If you find any drug related litter such as used syringes, please immediately contact our Streetcare team.    

If you are calling out of office hours, please leave a message and include your phone number and someone will contact you as soon as possible.  

We aim to collect drug related litter and safely dispose of this potentially hazardous material the same day as it is reported.

Please note there will be a charge for the removal of drug paraphernalia from private properties.   

When you contact the Streetcare team please let us know:

  • details of where the item(s) has been found and how many there are
  • your contact details (in case a Streetcare team officer cannot find the item)

Please take the following precautions if you see any drug related litter:

  • please don't touch the item
  • please don't put it in a litter bin
  • please don't try to flush it down a toilet

If you sustain an injury from a needle, immediately follow this first aid advice:

  • encourage the wound to bleed, ideally by holding it under running water
  • wash the wound using running water and plenty of soap
  • don't scrub the wound while you're washing it
  • don't suck the wound
  • dry the wound and cover it with a waterproof plaster or dressing

Following this first aid advice you should then contact your GP surgery, walk in centre or local accident and emergency (A&E) department to check if you need any treatment.

More information about an injury from a needle and further treatment you may need can be found on the NHS Choices webpage.  

For collection of diabetic sharps bins (needles/lancets/insulin cartridges) please go to our Clinical and medical waste collections page and complete a request form.